The housing market has a wide range of options when it comes to looking for your next home. But, there might be one type of home that you haven’t considered, which is a home that faces foreclosure. Many people prefer this type of option because foreclosed homes are generally more affordable than most standard homes. The price may be discounted more than most homes, but there is a catch that you should know about. You should keep in mind that there is a big possibility that the house has not been maintained. There are many questions you might have when it comes to purchasing a foreclosed home. But, we will make sure that you have some clarity on all of your questions.
What You Should Know About Homes that Face Foreclosure
The process of foreclosure takes place when a bank or private lender repossesses a home or a residential property from a borrower. Most of the time, the borrower (who lived on that property) failed to repay their mortgage. This could lead to the seizing of their home. Once the borrower gets out of the property, the bank starts to put up the property on the housing market to sell it to prospective buyers. The bank does this to cut their losses that take place from the borrower’s lack of ability to repay the mortgage.
Typically, you can refer to homes that face foreclosure as REO or “real estate owned” homes. These homes sell at a cheaper price than most homes. Sometimes, you can find these homes at auctions. Generally, households who do not have the money to repay their property loans will not have the money to pay for the home’s upkeep so you should expect a lot of home repairs.
Why are Homes That Face Foreclosure Cheaper Than Most Homes?
The most compelling motivation that potential homebuyers take a chance with these properties is because of their reduced prices. These discounted costs are typically less than their comparable counterparts. Additionally, these properties can accompany extra reduced funds like a discounted down payment, decreased interest rates, and lower closing costs. Keep in mind that some home buyers like these properties since it exploits the way that the sellers are facing financial struggle. For instance, in the event that a house is in pre-foreclosure, the lenders are frantic to get the home off of the market. Rather than the sellers having the upper-hand during arrangements and negotiations, they will probably have less leverage because of their desperation to get rid of the property.
Home buyers might have the option to benefit more, if the bank seizes the property from the present residents. Typically, the bank auctions off these properties quickly, since nobody wants to manage them. Furthermore, another explanation that these homes are more affordable is a result of the way that the bank sells them “with no guarantees.” If an individual struggles to make mortgage payments, then they probably cannot afford to maintain the property either. Assuming that the property has major damage and requires repairs, then that will go into the general expenses of the house. Some of these potential repairs can make the home not worth purchasing.
Foreclosed Listings: What You Need to Know
Pre-foreclosure is the start of the foreclosure process. This is the point at which the lender files for a notice of default on the property and notifies the borrowers. This all takes place before the property gets set up for sale. At the pre-foreclosure phase of the cycle, the mortgage holder would get a letter expressing that foreclosure procedures will begin. It is entirely expected to find the borrowers attempting to make a deal on their home as a “pre-foreclosure” property. For the homebuyer, one benefit of investigating pre-foreclosure properties is that the sellers will be anxious to sell the property straightaway to take care of their loan.
Short Sales
Whenever the lender accepts a lesser sum for the property than what is expected on a home loan then that is a short sale. Lenders can consent to a short sale at whatever point they want. The borrowers do not need to be in default (despite the fact that this is commonly when they agree). Additionally, if a bank consents to a short sale, then the borrowers will probably have to give some documentation of a financial struggle like unemployment or other financial struggle that proves they cannot repay their mortgage. While looking through foreclosed properties, these will probably be the ones that are listed as “pending bank approval properties”.
Off to the Auction
When the grace period expires for the borrower to get up to speed with their mortgage after they’ve been notified, a sheriff’s sale auction will be the next stage. This auction’s expected aim is to get a payment to the lender as soon as possible since the loan is in default. You will find that banks hold these auctions in an assortment of locations, so you might see them in front of an official building. You can also find these signs advertising the auction, as well!
Purchasing Directly from the Bank
Whenever a property can’t get sold at the auction, then it returns to the bank. This is the point at which the property turns into a real-estate owned (REO) property. Eventually, you can save yourself all the trouble of going to auctions and purchasing the property straight from the bank. You should keep in mind that since you are purchasing a foreclosed property, you will buy it as-is without a lot of information on its condition or background. If you purchase this type of property with a bank, then it gives you more opportunity to assess the property before you decide to buy it.
Government-Owned Properties
On the off chance that a property is bought with a government-backed loan, like an FHA loan or VA loan, then it is repossessed to the Federal Government, not a bank. When the Federal Government repossesses these properties brokers are responsible for selling the property. On the off chance that you are interested in purchasing a government-owned foreclosed property, you should enlist the help of these brokers. Potential homebuyers can look for potential homes online on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website.
The Cons of Purchasing a Foreclosed Property
There are a few decent benefits of purchasing these properties like their decreased expenses. Nonetheless, there are also a few hindrances to know about also, such as:
- Issues with the property.
- A slow process.
- A competitive market.
Issues With The Property
Whenever you purchase a property “with no guarantees” you are really taking on a big chance. There might be a few significant repairs that you really want to fix. In addition, there may also be minor fixes that you really want to manage. You ought to be careful with unpleasant property holders. Let us say that an individual or household did not want to leave the property. In that case, they might choose to damage the property before the bank repossesses it. This can leave you with tidying up the mess, in the event that you buy the home.
A Slow Process
A foreclosed home typically means a lot of paperwork and processing time. This could turn into an obstacle that you could encounter. For instance, in the event that the property has a great deal of damage, that can prompt a low home value. The reduced market value can make it harder for the homebuyer to secure financing for the property. Furthermore, this could slow down the process of purchasing the home.
A Competitive Market
Whenever there is a home that is recorded at a scaled down value, it will probably draw in more than one purchaser. If there are more home buyers that are intrigued with a property, then that implies more competition on its sale. At the point when there is a lot of competition, then this could lead to a bidding war. If a bidding war carries on for a long period of time, then the property will start to increase in its value.
You ought to submit more than one offer for numerous properties, if you have any desire to purchase a home that faces foreclosure. It tends to be discouraging for the lender to consider your offer, if another homebuyer offers a higher bid. Rather than feeling down, you should continue to look for foreclosed properties that might be available for purchase and grab the highest bidding for the property!
Are You Interested in Buying a Foreclosed Home?
Still keen on purchasing a home that faces foreclosure? Then you should work out a new budget! You ought to further develop your finances, if you have any desire to purchase a home that the bank foreclosed. To start with, you ought to present an offer that is excessively low for the property. On the off chance that the bank has a ton of foreclosed properties, they might be able to help with the cost.
A decent rule of thumb is the more extension that the bank has had the property, then the higher the opportunity that they will acknowledge a lowball offer. In the event that you don’t have a clue about a decent lowball offer to begin with, then go 20% lower than the present market cost of the home. For instance, in the event that the market value of the house is at $100,000, then you should offer $80,000.
At first, a foreclosed property might appear to be an extraordinary buy. A home that is really cheap and affordable? Who would not want that? Tragically, there are many disadvantages with this kind of property such as:
- The chance of serious damage.
- High competition.
- A slow process to purchase the home.
Be that as it may, foreclosed properties can turn out to be an incredible arrangement, despite the fact that there are a few weak points. Homes that face foreclosure can provide a great opportunity to a homebuyer. You can purchase a home that you may not normally find or qualify for. It’s critical to maintain both the benefits and drawbacks of these properties. Make sure to keep them at the top of your priority list while making a choice! On the off chance that you have any inquiries, reach out to a realtor. They can give you significantly more information about homes that face foreclosure!