Most of us are constantly searching for ways to save money in our budget. You know, the ones that are both simple and effective. One of the simplest ways to save money is right in your own home. Yes, we are discussing energy bills. The good news is that there are several methods to save money on your electricity bill.
It is time for your monthly savings to skyrocket, not your energy bill. Check out these simple strategies for lowering your utility cost while staying cool this summer.
Conduct an Energy Audit
Do not be alarmed by the word “audit”. This is your first stop on your way to saving money on your electric bill. Essentially, an audit just involves going over and reviewing your home’s power use. You might wish to hire an expert from your electricity provider for the best energy audit. Do you know what the best part is? Many electric companies provide this service for free! Who would have guessed?
So, what actually happens during the audit? You can expect the experts to ask you about your goals and any issues you may have. They will run tests, check your home for air leaks, and check the insulation quality. Then they will give you their best advice on how to resolve any major issues.
Save On the Lighting
Turn the Lights off
Leaving the lights on while they are not in use wastes electricity and your money. 0.04 kWh of energy is consumed for every hour of operation of a 40-watt light bulb. Assume your utility provider charges 10 cents per kWh of power. This means that you will save $0.004 for every hour the light is turned off.
That may not seem like a big saving, but if you turn off just five lights in your house for 10 hours a day, you will save $6 on your power bill straight away. The more lights you turn off (and the higher the wattage), the more money you will save on your energy bill!
So make it a habit to just switch on the light in the room you are currently in. And if it is sunny outside, make use of the natural light. It is not only pleasing to the sight, but it is also free!
Change Your Lightbulbs
This is one of the easiest ways to save money on your energy bill. All you have to do is to change your lightbulbs. Those energy-saving light bulbs might seem pricey, but they can save you some good money in the long run. Next time you buy lightbulbs make sure to look for compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
When you are out shopping, check for the green Energy Star logo. It is the government’s mark for environmentally friendly items. In less than nine months, a standard Energy Star-certified CFL lightbulb will pay for itself in energy savings. After that, it will continue to save you money on your monthly energy bill. In addition, Most LED lights consume 20–25% of the energy of those incandescent lights and last 15–25 times longer!
Control the Temperature With Less Money
Search for Air Leaks
When checking for air leaks, ask yourself the following questions: Are the windows squeaking? On windy days, can you hear air blowing in from under the front door? When you close the doors, do they truly seal shut? When you completed your energy audit, perhaps you uncovered a few of these easy-to-miss energy wasters.
Keeping your windows, doors, and appliances properly sealed makes a massive difference, especially in the hotter months. If your doors and windows are not properly sealed, you are letting warm air in and cool air out. And if you have an air leak in your house, you may as well have a leak in your wallet.
Air sealing your home is a simple and inexpensive way to save money! Simply purchase some weather-strips for your doors and windows. You’ll also need caulk to seal any leaks in your plumbing, air ducts, or wiring. Weather-strips, caulk, and a caulk gun will cost less than $15, but they will save you up to 20% on your energy spending. What a return on investment!
Close the Door
It is not a good idea to leave the outside doors open while the A/C unit is on. Not only are you letting valuable (and expensive) air out, but you are also forcing your unit to work harder for longer periods of time. Imagine your money flying out the door, right alongside your precious cool air.
Replace the Air Filter in Your HVAC
We understand it is a hassle to have to replace these things throughout the year. However, guess what? It is a simple modification that may extend the life of your HVAC system and improve its efficiency, which will save you money in the long run. So take the plunge and remember to replace the air filter every three months—you will be happy you did.
Use a Fan
Do you want to save even more? Instead of using the A/C all the time in summer, use a fan. According to the US Natural Resource Defense Council, a ceiling fan may make a room feel 10 degrees cooler while using only 10% of the energy that a central air conditioner consumes.
Be Smart With Your Appliances
Do not Use Your Appliances Till They are Full
We are referring to appliances such as your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer. If your child brings home really dirty, stinky, and soiled pants, you may be tempted to wash them on their own. Running your washing machine for a few pieces of clothes, believe it or not, is one of the biggest ways to waste money.
Your washer will consume roughly the same amount of electricity regardless of load size, so fill it up. And when it is time to do the laundry, there are two easy ways to save energy: use less water (fewer loads) and use cold or warm water.
The guidelines are the same when it comes to the dryer. Avoid using the dryer for anything other than a full load, avoid over drying the clothes, and try to dry similar things at the same time. Nothing is more irritating than spending two hours drying towels and T-shirts just to discover that your towels are not even close to being dry. To ensure that the moisture sensors do their job, use the automatic cycle instead of any timed settings.
If you want to go a bit further, this useful home energy use calculator can help you figure out how much your appliances are costing you. If you truly want to save money on your electric bill, try not using the dryer at all and drying your clothes on the line instead—sometimes you just have to go back to the basics.
Adjust your Fridge
This is another example of a minor change with a large impact. Take a look at your refrigerator’s settings. Keep your fridge around 35–38 ℉ as a general rule. Adjusting the settings in this way will keep your food fresh while also ensuring that your unit isn’t wasting energy by trying extra hard to keep things cold.
Keep Your Freezer Stocked
Who knew all those frozen vegetables and meats you stocked up on before the pandemic would help you save money on your electricity bill? It is true that having a full freezer will help insulate your entire appliance. What’s more, if the freezer is already cold (and stays that way), it will not have to waste valuable energy (and money) to keep your frozen foods frozen.
Be Careful of Phantom Energy
No, we are not discussing ghosts here. We are talking about phantom energy, which is when appliances continue to use electricity even when they are switched off!
When you are not using them, start unplugging those devices and appliances. You will be shocked at how much money you may save on your energy bill simply by unplugging your appliances. Phantom energy accounts for 23% of a household’s electricity use and can cost up to $165 per year on an average family’s electric bill—all for nothing.
Lower the Temperature of the Water Heater
The majority of people never think to check if their water is excessively hot. You turn on the tap, warm water pours forth, and you go on your daily routine. However, if the temperature of your water is set too high, you could be losing $36–61 each year.
Setting the water heater to 140 ℉ should be fine, but keep in mind that it may occasionally provide scalding hot water. Setting it too low to 120 degrees, on the other hand, may interfere with your dishwasher’s bacteria-killing capabilities. Try different temperature settings to determine what works best for you.
Switch to a Programmable Thermostat
You may adjust a programmable thermostat to switch on the heating or air conditioning according to your schedule. According to, turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its typical setting will save you up to 10% on heating and cooling costs per year.
Keep Your Oven Door Shut
The internal temperature of your oven might drop by 25 degrees every time you open the door. Then, to get the temperature back up, your oven must use more electricity. Instead of opening the door, look through the window and rely on the light from your oven.
Use Your Appliances Wisely
First of all, switch your appliances with new EnergyStar ones to save more energy. Then you need to be smart when you use them. For instance, microwaves use 30 to 80% less energy than regular ovens do, so it is a good idea to use a microwave instead of an oven whenever possible. Also, if microwaving is not your preferred method of cooking, consider using a toaster oven, which uses less energy due to its tiny size, and a crockpot is even better.
Ask About Special Offers and Discounts
Isn’t it true that we all enjoy a good bargain? So, contact your local utility company to see if any special discounts are available. You will never know unless you ask.
Some companies will give you a discount if you go paperless. Others may offer you rebates if you make energy-saving upgrades to your home. Some companies even offer discounts for using electricity during non-peak hours. Furthermore, when you sign up for newsletters, you will receive tips and tricks that will help you save even more money on your electric bill.
Bottom Line
Americans already deal with lots of bills; the energy bill is an annoying one. It is critical for your budget to keep your bills at a manageable level. Luckily there are so many ways to save money on your electricity bills. Try a few of these tips we mentioned above to save money on your energy bill and see how much you can save.
- How to Save Money on Your Electric Bill |
- Tips on Saving Money and Energy in Your Home
- How Much Electricity Does it Use?
- How to Use Your Appliances Efficiently to Save Energy.